Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bubbling blog overflows with hot events

Congragulations Ren on the first big service. You've come a long way since Bowral - from the L to the P to the PBB (Peez Biker Blog).

Here is the first group photo of us. We went for lunch followed by wholesale siew mai at Flemington. Can you spot the fourth biker?

Now to the real exciting stuff. Tonight's ride was a real success, and inspired us to revive Larry's idea of a morning ride. Orange is for the rising sun, as we plan to be staked out in Balmain beckoning, I mean baconing the sunrise! If all goes well, we'll be slurping down black coffees as the sky above our Harbour Br turns bright pink. Then we pack up and go to work. Yeah!

Time: This Friday, 5.30am. Sun rises at 0631.
Place: Yurulbin Park, Birchgrove (at the end of Louisa Rd)

Who brings what:
cwdeluxe - 0.5kgs bacon, tomato slices, butter, bread, black coffee in thermos;
ren - cooking implements, tripod for steady memories;
milam - bacon/butter knives, light cups, plates;
larry - yeti be determined

The plan is to ride our bikes right down to the wooden deck area, where they can be easily photographed in front of the Harbour Br. Passing ferries might radio in our transgression, but this is a risk every Peezbiker must ruminate (or urinate) on his own. Considering it will be early and dark, our engines will cause some disturbance to local residents. It is advisable to refrain 'giving it some'.

Until we leave the area.

This is a unique and highly unusual operation. There are inherent risks, such as sleepy people charging at us in their bathrobes, or the stove not lighting up. It is also a difficult spot to find, being so secret and isolated. But, it is precisely these things that will make it spectacular when we pull it off.

Sleep it up bikers, we have a date with our waking city!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Would we consider...

Fellow Peez platers, I have some ideas for our next ride. We could go to
i) Lithgow
ii) Wollonggong / Kiama blowhole

A friend of mine has some pizza huts down south. Maybe he can give us special Peez-a rates.

I propose Sunday 14th August. Anyone care to comment? Why do we put AFL on tv?

Friday, August 05, 2005

Making it up

I haven't really got much to say, but feel I need to make my presence felt. Yesterday I rode to Concord Sports Clinic for my routine physio, and left my bike in the rain for a few minutes. When I got home, the rainwater had evaoprated off my exhaust pipe and formed yucky residues. What a way to spoil a good buff job! I wiped off what I could, and haven't looked at it since.

Last night, I drove home, and suddenly realised how awesome it is to have a car AND a bike. Wow! It's like Batman (sort of), who can just choose one depending on the situation. I'm living the dream!

Now excuse me while I continue listening to Ashlee Simpson.